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  • abbie7033


Bangs Prime Salon by Tony and Jackey, the hottest and most respected Korean salon in town, was ecstatic to show their support for the K-POP CONVENTION 5 with LC-9 and Lunafly k-pop group! Oh my goodness, it was an unforgettable entertainment provided by LC-9 and Lunafly k-pop group. They had the crowd on their feet, singing and dancing along to their hit songs, it was a blast! It was truly a night to remember, filled with so much energy and excitement.

The salon believed in the power of music to bring people together and was thrilled to be a part of such a special event. They were so honored to be able to support the k-pop culture and showcase the talents of these amazing groups. The salon team had an amazing time and couldn't stop talking about how much fun they had. Overall, it was a very successful and fun event that the salon was proud to be a part of. A huge shoutout to LC-9 and Lunafly for putting on an incredible show!

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